
Technologies, Materials, Products, Services


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Microorganisms For Petroleum Contaminated Soil Remediation

For Enland microbial remediation technology for petroleum contaminated soil, indigenous bacterial agents, slow-release oxygen agents, nutrients, soil amendments and the contaminated soil are fully mixed and then transferred to the remediation yard where the petroleum hydrocarbons in the contaminated soil will be rapidly degraded with the help of such technologies as bio-stimulation, bio-addition and slow-release oxygen. The petroleum hydrocarbons in the treated soil is less than five in ten thousand.

Technical Advantages

  • Compound indigenous bacteria: The compound indigenous bacteria used are from petroleum hydrocarbon contaminated soil in many places, and the treatment efficiency is high;
  • Slow release oxygen technology: It can significantly reduce the treatment costs;
  • Bio-stimulation technology: Indigenous microorganisms are stimulated to reproduce and grow by improving and correcting the environmental geochemical conditions, eventually enhancing their activity;
  • Bio-addition technology: The indigenous bacteria decompose different kinds of petroleum hydrocarbon efficiently, so that the soil can be better remedied.