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Graphene Based Oil Absorbing Sponge

By combining the lipophilic and hydrophobic graphene with ordinary commercial porous sponges, the graphene-based oil absorbing sponge is obtained. The graphene composite sponge not only has the high strength and high resilience of sponges, but also has the hydrophobicity of graphene. It can be used to deal with the oil leakage accidents in the process of oil exploitation, refining and transportation, as well as the organic solvent pollution used and discharged in the chemical industry. Graphene-based oil sponge can absorb 100 times its own weight of various oil and organic solvent pollutants. When the sponge is treated with oil spill pollution instead of oil absorbing felt, it can still float on the water surface after absorbing oil, which is easy to salvage and recycle, and it can be reused more than thousands of times.

Technical Advantages

  • Super hydrophobic, contact angle can be more than 150°;
  • The adsorption rate is high, the adsorption capacity of crude oil can reach 120 times of its own weight;
  • High desorption rate, up to 95%;
  • After repeated use, the adsorption rate remains high after up to thousands of adsorption-desorption.