
Technologies, Materials, Products, Services


Business Field

Thermally Conductive Pad

As a kind of thermal interface material, thermally conductive pads are used between various heat sources and heat sinks. By eliminating the air between the heat source and the heat sink, the heat of electronic devices is distributed more evenly and the heat dissipation efficiency is improved. To achieve good thermal conductivity, the shape and size can be die-cut according to customer requirements. The thickness depends on the product gap size and the density, hardness, compression ratio and other parameters of the pad itself.The carbon fiber with high thermal conductivity is added to the conventional thermally conductive pads, and then is oriented by a special process, so that it has ultra-high thermal conductivity in the vertical direction, which is suitable for various devices generating more heat.

Technical Advantages

  • Thickness can be customized;
  • Ultra-high thermal conductivity
  • Up to 40W/m·K;
  • Good thermal stability.